Deer High
Photo by Mason Hassoun on Unsplash
Picture this, the buck of a lifetime walks in at 10 yards, broadside. Everything you've worked all year for is finally in striking distance. You pull back your bow, aim, and control your breathing. You check your level and aim, the first pin right behind the shoulder. WHAP! You’re shaking uncontrollably. Everything is a blur. Basically, you black out, you can't remember a single thing that just happened, but you are hoping you have put a kill shot on your target buck. That right there is what I like to call the "Deer High".
The “deer high” is the reason why I’m willing to hike two miles in a swamp at 3 a.m. and sit in my stand two hours before shooting time. I'm just praying for a chance to feel that "deer high" again. Nothing feels as satisfying to me as having that beat in your chest that you struggle to settle so you can think clearly enough to go through all the steps you practice when shooting your bow. That feeling never goes away for me, no matter how many tags I punch. Whether a doe or a buck, the feeling remains the same. The “Deer High'' is indescribable to those that haven't experienced it before. You try to describe the rush, but the words fall short of the real feeling. I've played competitive sports my whole life. I have been in some really intense spots. However, not even those moments compare to the “Deer High”. The “Deer High” trumps all of my adrenaline rushes I've had by a long shot!
When I encourage others to try bow hunting, I do my best to explain to them that it’ll be an unforgettable experience and the best feeling in the world to hit your mark. I am thrilled to say, I got the opportunity to witness my brother’s first buck kill which occurred 20 minutes into bow opener this last season. He texted me from his stand about 100 yards away from mine, and I could tell by his text that he had experienced the “Deer High” for himself. I experienced the second-hand “Deer High”!!! This is what keeps me trying to pass on the love of bow hunting to others. I was more excited to be a part of his first deer kill than I was for my own. If you ever get the chance to pass your passion for bow hunting on to a family member or friend, please do. I believe everyone should have the opportunity to feel, as well as witness such a feeling as this.
-Dillon Lee, Fall Obsession Field Staff