Bradley O'Neil

Bradley O’Neil

Proudly Serving Fall Obsession Since 2022

1k Club - 1233 Content Credit Points
Nova Scotia, Canada


Feb. 2024 Quality Content Award Recipient
Aug. 2023 Staffer of the Month
Jul. 2023 Partnered Content Award Recipient

From Bradley:

My name is Bradley O’Neil, and I'm 25 years old; living in Halifax, Nova Scotia!

I started small game hunting at the age of 12 and shot my first whitetail deer at the age of 16. I instantly became obsessed! I'm a full time carpenter and a dad, to my 5 year old daughter and a new baby boy due in October! So my time in the woods may soon be limited.

Hunting in some of the most pressured areas in my province can make some really interesting success and failure stories! I love just about everything outdoors! From bushcraft to hiking, fishing and hunting; the more time outdoors the better!