Peyton Claterbaugh

Peyton Claterbaugh

Proudly Serving Fall Obsession Since 2022

Contributing Member - 816 Content Credit Points
Rowlett, TX


May 2023 Quality Content Award Recipient

From Peyton:

Hey Y'all! My name is Peyton Claterbaugh and I am from North Texas, currently living in Rowlett. I was fortunate enough to grow up in a family where both my mom and dad's side are very much outdoor enthusiasts. On my dad's side, I grew up hunting and fishing in the very small West Texas town of Hamlin where my dad taught me how to hunt for white tail deer, wild hogs, dove and predators of all kinds. Like west Texas, I grew up hunting in East Texas on my uncle's chicken farm. Then, when Christmas comes around, my family and I go to North Central Wisconsin where I learned to hunt from my mom's side in an all-new fashion. Wisconsin is where I learned to bow hunt.

We were also shown the ropes on ice fishing and trapping all types of species. Currently, I hunt primarily in south/central Texas just outside of Waco. In the past couple years, I have begun to much more enjoy the spot and stalk style hunting when I'm able to get up close and personal to wild game with my bow, or stretch out my rifle for a few hundred-yard shot.

Growing up, watching all the major hunting shows, it always captured my interest in sharing my own experiences through photos and videos with my friends and family. So, when I had the opportunity to do so through Fall Obsession, I had to pull the trigger! When I'm not out on the deer lease putting in work on the ranch to improve our game animal's habitats, I am usually at work where I am an EMT for an air ambulance company in McKinney, Texas. When I am not there, I am putting in time on my Volunteer Fire Department in Josephine, Texas where I have been since 2015.