Hunt Dates
March 1st, 2025 - June 8th, 2025
Hunt from your own ground! Register at any time!
No traveling and no non-resident licenses. Enter the turkey you kill on your own ground!
Date range is broad to accommodate as many North American Spring Turkey Seasons as possible. You can Register at any time.
All birds must be killed and submitted within this date range.
Cash Prizes
Registered Hunters - 2
These are growing cash pots. Winner payouts are based on the number of registered Hunters.
*Last Updated 3.12.25*
1st Place
Receives a 40% Cash Pot generated by Registration fees
A $200 Gift Card from Hoot Camo
A pair of Wiley X Eyewear
Multiple other prizes will be announced before 3.21.25
2nd Place
Receives a 20% Cash Pot generated by Registration fees
A $100 Gift Card from Hoot Camo
Multiple other prizes will be announced before 3.21.25
3rd Place
Receives a 10% Cash Pot generated by Registration fees
A $100 Gift Card from Hoot Camo
Multiple other prizes will be announced before 3.21.25
Gear Sweepstakes
Multiple ticket holders have a chance to win gear from:
Tickets available upon Registration
*5 Gear Tickets Sold as of 3.11.25*
Safari Sweepstakes
One ticket holder will win an $9,000 Safari Package from:
Tickets available upon Registration
*5 Safari Tickets Sold as of 3.11.25*
EARLY SEASON REGISTRATION - Save $10 when you register by March 21st!
Men & Women from the age of 6 years old and up are welcome.
Hunters 17 years old and younger must have adult authorization upon registration.
All Hunters are Required to be licensed hunters in the state which they hunt, and must be prepared to provide proof of such.
This contest is limited to hunters in the United States ONLY.
How It Works
*New for 2025* - Hunters may enter their Turkey AFTER the harvest!
Each Hunter can only enter 1 (one) turkey harvest in Fall Obsession’s 2025 Turkey Hunt Competition.
All turkeys MUST be harvested within the Competition Hunt Date Range posted (see top of page).
All turkey harvests must be legal, and within all Game Rules & Regs in the State from which you hunt.
Every Turkey Harvest must be accounted for via photo submission.
All Hunters must each send in a photo of themselves with their harvest. This is referred to as a “Kill Shot Photo”.
A clear photo of the completed license/tag on the turkey must be sent in as well. Photo must have the hunter’s name and the date harvested clearly visible. If you are documenting your harvest digitally per your State’s Rules/Regs, you can send a screenshot of the completed Harvest Form/Log.
All harvested birds will be scored by Fall Obsession based on Beard Length, Spur Length, and Overall Weight. Photos must be submitted which clearly identify these statistics. We recommend photographing your bird’s beard and spur lengths in comparison to a tape measure, and the overall weight from a hanging scale. Failure to document these statistics may result in a lower score.
Score/Point Values based on these statistics are listed below.
All species of North American Turkey are accepted.
The following are the point ratios for bird statistics…
Weight: 1 point per pound; 2 points for every pound over 20
Spurs & Beards: 1 point per inch; double points for every measurement over 1.75” spurs & 10” beards
Scoring Example: A 19.2 lb. turkey with 3 total spur inches and a 9.5-inch beard would be awarded - 31.7 points
Multiple Beards = 3 points
Multiple Spurs on one leg = 3 points
“It’s Your First Turkey!” = 2 points
Youth Hunter (between 6 & 17 years old) = 1 point
Submitted Filmed Hunt (intro/hunt/recovery) = 2 points
Submitted the filmed “Kill Shot” = 1 point
You will receive an official score sheet from Fall Obsession after submitting your harvest
Event Partners
All Entry Fees and Sweepstakes Tickets are non-refundable.
Each Hunter is only allowed to submit one turkey harvest. Once a turkey harvest has been submitted, the hunter cannot submit or substitute another harvest.
Failure to send in any of the required proofs for any of the competition scoring categories may result in a turkey harvest not being entered.
By participating in our Hunt Competition, you are giving Fall Obsession the right to publish any submitted Kill Shot Photo or Hunt Video on Fall Obsession’s social media pages and website, while all being credited to you.
Registration will close 1 week prior to the close of the competition.
Fall Obsession MUST have at least 5 different participants to host this competition. In the event Fall Obsession does not have at least 5 Hunters register, then all competitors will be refunded registrations fees in full.
Failure to abide by and adhere to any of the contest rules and regulations listed on this page may result in an Individual’s disqualification from the competition.
Void in States where hunting contest participation is prohibited by law.
Fall Obsession is not liable for any field mishaps, equipment malfunctions, or game violations experienced by competition participants.