Representing States

North Dakota, South Dakota, Minnesota, Wisconsin, Iowa, Nebraska, Kansas, Missouri, Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, & Ohio.

The Coordinator

Tyler Wolf

I am a Kansas man, through and through. I navigated my youth, swinging at upland birds on a small farm in the expansive plains of midwestern Kansas. After college, I traded in farm life for "big" city living and now call Kansas City (metro) home. As such, my upland hunting career shifted to critters of the ungulate variety. Alongside me are my wife (JJ), three kiddos (Alyssia, Jack, and Ashton), and rescue puppers (Homer). They do their best to listen attentively as I regale them with hunting stories, but Homer listens best.

The outdoors has always been a passion of mine. Whether scouting, hunting, scaling mountains, or improving wildlife habitat through conservation-focused land management, I find a much-needed respite when I'm surrounded by nature. As such, my overarching goal is to improve the lives and happiness of all creatures, humans included. When it comes to hunting, I subscribe to the thought that hunting and conservation go hand in hand. We hunters are the most critical component of ongoing conservation efforts, and we should continually strive to do our share.


Upcoming Events

  • March, 2025 - MO Snow Goose Hunt


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