Ep. 102 "The Huntress" | Delaney Pfeiffer & Sam Thrash

What does it mean to be a huntress in today's world? How can women be a true inspiration to other individuals living the hunting & outdoor lifestyle when the online world predominantly pushes female hunters who are doing it all for the "Likes", and over-sexualizing the modern huntress? This is part of what this week's guest, Delaney Pfeiffer discusses with us. Delaney grew up an Indiana farm girl, in a household full of hunters. Delaney shares her story, and how her passion for hunting and the outdoors has grown; inspiring her to share her own outdoor experiences with others. Delaney talks about what it means to be your true self as a huntress on social media, who her own role models have been, and how she herself strives to inspire other individuals in the outdoors. In a world that has certainly no shortage of female hunters; yet has allowed social media to indirectly present the modern huntress as something they are not, it is refreshing to sit down and have a conversation with someone who "gets it". We hope you feel the same way!