Fall Obsession

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Ep. 112 "Mom, Wife, & A Hunting Life" | Heather Sellon & Sam Thrash

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Working a full-time job and trying to hunt as much as possible is challenging enough, but imagine being a teacher, a coach, a wife, a mom, AND a passionate huntress all at once! That's exactly what sums up the life of Field Staffer Heather Sellon. Wife of one of our own Staff Coordinators, Heather joins us to represent all of the moms out there who want nothing more than to enjoy the great outdoors and their passion for hunting, but yet may feel like they "don't have time". Heather discusses how her hunting journey has evolved over the years following marriage, kids and a career; and how she somehow now finds time to pursue one of her greatest passions while juggling a multitude of other responsibilities all at the same time. If you're a mom, a wife, or feel like you're up to your ears in your career and you just don't have the time, then this one's for you!