Fall Obsession

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Ep. 141 "Texas Sandhill Crane Part 1" | Todd Sellon, Tyler Wolf, Delaney Pfeiffer & Sam Thrash

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Sandhill Crane in west Texas is on many hunter's bucket lists; and our Fall Obsession crew is no exception to that!  Half of our 2022 Sandhill Crane crew joins us this week to recap one of their most incredible experiences.  Todd, Delaney and Tyler put the hurt on some Texas dinosaurs real quick, fast and in a hurry last December!  The crew recaps their unbelievable experience, talking about the differences between hunting sandhill crane compared to other waterfowl, and more.  As always, a Fall Obsession hunting camp is a good time, and they have some funny stories to go with it!  Tune in to hear about the adventure of not just checking one off the bucket list, but now having to add a trip to the list for the foreseeable future!