Ep. 198 "Regulations, Bans & Ethics" | Mike Behrens & Sam Thrash

We typically steer clear of politics on our podcast. However we do believe there is a time and place for such "political" discussions when it comes to our rights as hunters and outdoors men and women; specific to over-regulating, voter-based bans and a disregard for conservation and management research and statistics by States and Commissions. We believe game regulations have their place as long as long as ethics, conservation and education have been appropriately considered and applied. In today's world, that line continues to become blurred more and more by Fish and Game departments caving to uneducated agendas and voter-based decisions. This week, we unpack all of this with guest Mike Behrens; specifically looking at recent events including the ban of wild hog hunting in Kentucky, the very first mountain lion trapping ban in Texas, wolf and mountain lion events in Colorado, and more! Some may call this conversation "controversial", but we believe it is every hunter's responsibility to weigh in on the decisions made by their own Fish and Game Commissions, and to pay attention to other State's around them. The American Outdoors Man and Woman has a voice; don't be scared to use it.