Ep. 226 "The Conservation Battlefield" | John Stallone & Sam Thrash
The defeat of Proposition 127 in Colorado signified a big win for hunters and conservationists. But just because science-based wildlife management had a "win" at the ballot-box doesn't mean the fight is over or the war has been won. John Stallone, the Vice President of HOWL for Wildlife is our podcast guest this week, and he brings a detailed and insightful perspective of the current actions and issues conservationists are still battling across North America. Still in the forefront of everyone's focus is the Colorado Wolf Reintroduction which continues to move forward arguably without the needed science-based management practices. While many may feel wolves are a battle already lost, John and his constituents believe it to be a fight worth fighting, and what better way to do it than by the same method their opposition used to push it through! Also discussed are upcoming actions on California Bear and Mountain Lion Management, along with a new House Bill in Colorado allowing a language change which could lay the groundwork for a future ban on hunting all together! Hunters nation-wide need to be informed and need to be paying attention right now, and this episode puts all of that into perspective!