Ep. 228 "Rocky Mountain Goat Alliance" | Kendrick Chittock & Sam Thrash
The term "wildlife conservation" encompasses so many different species of animals. Mountain Goats are included in that, and may be considered a coveted or once-in-a-lifetime hunting experience for some folks. But what you may not realize is Mountain Goats do not always get the focus they deserve when it comes to normal conservation efforts and funding. That's where the Rocky Mountain Goat Alliance does their work. Kendrick Chittock from RMGA joins us this week to talk about today's overlooked, under-funded and under-valued areas of Mountain Goat conservation, and how their organization bridges a huge gap in research and funding for Mountain Goat conservation across North America. Kendrick gives us an education on Mountain Goat habitats, potential natural and human threats to populations, and how folks can get involved in helping their organization and local game commissions with Mountain Goats. And no, we're not just talking about your wallet, but also boots on the ground. This is very educational episode discussing a species of animal we are all aware exists, but maybe not as savvy as to the help they actually need.