Kendra DeBerry

Kendra DeBerry

Proudly Serving Fall Obsession Since 2022

Southeastern Regional Staff Coordinator

2k Club - 2202 Content Credit Points
Flintstone, GA


Sep. 2024 Staffer of the Month
Jul. 2024 Partnered Content Award Recipient
Apr. 2024 Staffer of the Month
Dec. 2023 Partnered Content Award Recipient
Apr. 2023 Quality Content Award Recipient

From Kendra:

I’m a 54 year old mother and grandmother, in a relationship with a Cowboy, and I grew up in Walker County, Georgia where I’ve lived in close proximity all my life. As far back as I can remember, I’ve been in love with the outdoors. Fishing was my first encounter with the outdoors at an early age, then I started hunting squirrels with my older brother and grandpa at the age of twelve. That wasn’t enough for me, I wanted to hunt deer!

Back in the 70’s, girls weren’t known as hunters or having a desire to hunt. I had a burning desire, that just couldn’t be extinguished. My parents never took me serious enough...girls don’t hunt. I talked my oldest brother into letting me go deer hunting with him, but he wouldn’t let me carry a gun. I was only to watch and be quiet.

Once I reached the age that I could make my own decisions, I went full force and dug deep into hunting Whitetails. Archery and Rifle from day one, and took my first deer the first year. That was 34 yrs ago and I’ve been passionate, addicted and obsessed ever since.

Turkey hunting fell right into place. I became a prolific caller. Each year I’m asked to call longbeards in for others. Rabbit hunting and running Beagles became a love also. I raised and trained my on Beagles, taking many folks on rabbit hunts. Introducing young, old and in between folks to hunting.

Sharing my outdoor experience and helping others experience what God blessed me with is a passion of mine. Mentoring children, teenagers, women and men to the sport of hunting has been a driving force for me. I want everyone to have a chance and not be denied our God given right to hunt.

I love to hunt from a saddle; it’s my favorite style of hunting. When I’m not hunting or fishing, I’m Breakaway Roping and wild cow catching in the evenings. Lots of Archery shooting throughout the year, with recurves or compounds. I own twelve, so I maybe

I spent 12 years as an Equine Manager, training Horses and Mules. I was a Hunting/Archery Outfitter, as well as bow tech and Prostaff at Cabela’s. I’m a self taught Artist which is part of my own business, where I do remodeling, carpenter and mural work. I’m also a Musician, playing Fiddle, Banjo and Guitar.

My heritage has Cherokee ancestry from both my parents. My Cherokee name is Ahwi Usdi, which means Little Deer. I learned to speak, read and write the Cherokee Language. At times I teach and give demonstrations of the Cherokee Culture.

Most importantly I let God and my Bible guide me down life’s roadways and give him the glory.