Dude Wipes Review
Individually wrapped wipes
So let’s be honest here people, things happen in the woods that are unfortunate and not always the most ideal time or place to deal with “nature’s call”. I’ve lost socks, shirt sleeves, and gloves because of poor planning. I learned years ago that carrying a spare roll of paper in my truck was a necessity, and having (part or all) of that roll in my vest was quite important sometimes. Think about it. You get up in the morning, in your favorite hunting cabin or your house, get the coffee going, maybe get a bite to eat, and out in the woods you go. Most come back from the morning hunt, grab some food, do what you need to do to get prepared for the afternoon hunt, and then get back out there. Myself, I’ve had many of days that I muscled through the mid-hunt break and stayed in the stand. That pan of sausage gravy and biscuits came back at me, and I was in a bad situation!
Being realistic about it, as a hunter this happens. The goal when out in the woods is to leave no trash, leave no evidence behind, but there are times when this happens and it is completely unavoidable. The gentlemen at Dude Wipes have made this a less miserable experience. They have produced individually wrapped wipes that are biodegradable, and SCENT FREE! Unlike baby wipes where you either take a few out and put in a plastic bag or take the whole pack, only to have a significant odor (which any unwelcome scent in the woods is a HUGE problem), all this is eliminated. The individual wipes are in a small packet that fits in your pocket and you are good to go!
Also, they make full shower wipes, which come in very handy when you are in camp and don’t have the luxury of a shower. They are individually packaged as well to preserve “freshness” and keep the huge towel still usable after some time. They package face wipes that actually take the face paint off, which sometimes I will use face paint when bow hunting in the early season to break up the shape of my face depending on which swamp that I am hunting. The wipes that come with the face paint stick do work, kinda, but also have a distinct scent. THESE DO NOT HAVE A SCENT! These guys have created an excellent product, and not only is it “earth friendly”, but it works!!!!
A pack for the house
In my daily vocation, I am a mechanic of very large equipment. This means that bathrooms are not always available, but if they are, they are quite gross generally. These wipes are amazing for work, and I always carry at least a box or two with me. They have paid off on many occasions, and let’s be honest about it, it is worth the few dollars they cost. They make a package for at the house, the individual wipes, and all kinds of stuff.
I have emailed and spoken with the guys at Dude Wipes regarding the noise of the packaging. They are working on it, and they are well in the idea of what I am talking about. My role as a hunter’s education instructor brings this topic up on repeated events, and I bring these wipes up. Also, the issue of trash in the woods is a big issue. Unfortunately, things happen and trash can fall out of a pocket or inadvertently be left in the woods although we as responsible hunters try not to let that happen. I buy mine at a local grocery store, they are also available online as well as many places. I encourage you to try them out, it may make the evolution less miserable.
-Bill Vahle, Fall Obsession Field Staff
Shower wipes