Representing States
West Virginia, Virginia, Kentucky, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, & Florida
The Coordinator
Todd Sellon
Todd has been a Fall Obsession Staffer since 2018, and our Mid-Western Regional Staff Coordinator since 2021. Todd is currently filling the role as our Interim Southeastern Coordinator as well. Todd resides in Coopersville, Michigan with his wife, Heather (also a Fall Obsession Staffer) and their 2 daughters.
Todd dedicates a lot of time to Fall Obsession and the Staffers in both his Mid-Western Region and our Southeastern Region; coordinating Staff meetings, events, hunts, projects, and putting together the exclusive content you will find on this page.
March, 2022
“Let's Talk Turkey”
The Southeastern Region boasts some of the most popular hunting destinations within the continental United States. As most are preparing and dreaming about bagging that trophy Tom, some states in the Southeast are kicking off their seasons. Florida begins the pursuit for turkey with the opener scheduled for March 9. Those who pursue gobblers in the Sunshine state are fortunate to have more variety of species with Eastern Turkeys in the North, Osceolas in the South, and a mixture of the two in the Central portion of the state. Mississippi joins on March 15 with South Carolina (March 22) and Alabama (March 25) following. Eastern turkeys are the prominent species in the South with the exception of Osceolas, as mentioned, in Florida. Turkeys enjoy consuming plants that produce seeds and nuts. They are often found habitating in the hardwood, among conifers, in weeds, and grassy open areas. Make sure you have a good set of camo, a reliable shotgun, and research what is allowable in the area you are hunting. State polices/rules vary so it is important to understand the guidelines that must be followed. Good luck to all in your pursuit for the ultimate prize!
“Competitive Archery is Back”
With the beginning of Spring weather in the South, competitive archery picks back up with the ASA Elite Archery Pro/Am Competition in Russell County, AL. Here are some tips to prepare:
Renew or sign up to become an American Shooter’s Association (ASA) member
Familiarize yourself with the rules and classes
Practice at local tournaments and archery ranges
Get to know/understand your equipment
Always have fun!!!!
Staff Spotlight
Stephen Bowen
- Pro Staffer since 2016 from Dearing, GA
- 2017-18 Staffer of the Year
- 11x Staffer of the Month (most in Fall Obsession history!)
- Owner of a small remodeling business
- Married with 2 children
Upcoming Events
March 4-6, Dixie Deer Classic, Raleigh, NC featuring: Don Higgins, Roger Raglin, and Tom Miranda
March 5-6, WV Fishing and Outdoor Show, Morgantown, WV
March 25-27, Palmetto Sportsmen’s Classic, Columbia, SC