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Upcoming Tournaments



Submit Your Score

Following your participation in the tournament, please send in a scan, or clear photo of your completed score card to Your tournament score will be updated once we have verified your participation and final score.


Tournament Results


Tournament Rules & Regulations

Fall Obsession is now hosting Virtual Archery Tournaments, allowing individuals to participate and compete from various remote locations. Tournaments will be hosted online at future dates and times, as will be provided by Fall Obsession. The following are the rules and regulations specific to the operation and function of Fall Obsession’s Virtual Archery Tournament(s).


  • This tournament will be limited to “Bowhunter” class, meaning archers must use a hunting compound bow setup to compete.

  • All bows must be either dual cam or solo cam compound bows.

  • No bow setup is allowed to have a front stabilizer bar exceeding 12-inches in length, or a back stabilizer bar exceeding 8-inches in length.

  • Bow sight magnification, such as lenses and/or scopes are not allowed.

  • Large diameter arrows which exceed 6.5mm (standard size) in diameter are not allowed.

  • Competitors are solely responsible for ensuring their equipment is in good condition and working order. Fall Obsession is NOT liable for any equipment malfunctions or damage.

Target & Scoring

  • Fall Obsession shall utilize the 40 cm Vegas 3-spot target face with gold – red – blue (10-9-8-7-6) scoring areas for this tournament. All competitors will be responsible for acquiring their own Vegas 3-spot target prior to the shoot. These targets can often be found/acquired at local archery shops or ranges.

  • Competitors will shoot at a distance specific to their division. Competitors are allowed to use their own range-finders to ensure proper shooting distance is achieved.

  • Competitors shall shoot a total of 10 rounds, with each round consisting of 3 (three) arrows/shots. This equates to 30 arrows total.

  • Any arrow that passes the shooting line and travels down range at any speed, or by any means, shall be counted as a shot and cannot be re-shot.

  • Score cards will be provided to each competitor by Fall Obsession, via email.

  • Competitors must print off their own score card prior to shooting. All scores shall be documented on the score card provided.

  • In the event of a tie, “X’s” shall be documented to provide a tie breaker.

  • Scoring shall be done in accordance with the Vegas 3-spot scoring parameters, as pictured.

  • Any arrows impacting outside of the blue, 6-point ring, or off of the target shall be counted as a 0.

  • If an arrow is touching and/or folding a line in between 2 rings, it shall be counted as the higher point value.

  • Targets may be placed anywhere in between ground level and shoulder height. Target height/placement may NOT be adjusted once a competitor has begun to shoot.

  • Competitors may shoot indoors or outdoors, as they choose. Competitors may NOT change their physical location once the tournament has begun.


Different “divisions” shall be established for male, female and youth archers. Individuals in each division shall only compete and be scored against those competing in the same division. The divisions for this tournament shall be as follows:

  • Adult Male: ​Any male competitor over the age of 16. These competitors shall shoot from a distance of 20 yards.

  • Adult Female: ​Any female competitor over the age of 16. These competitors shall shoot from a distance of 20 yards.

  • Youth: ​Any male or female archer under the age of 17, WHO ALSO shoots a bow with a draw weight of less than 40 lbs. These competitors shall shoot from a distance of 15 yards.

Awards may be given to the top scoring archers in each division. Awards will be determined by Fall Obsession on a tournament by tournament basis.

Registration & Preparation

  • Fall Obsession will open tournament registration at least 2 weeks prior to the date of the competition.

  • Registration will close at least 12 hours prior to the start of the tournament.

  • Registration fees are to be determined by Fall Obsession Administrators.

  • Once an individual registers, they will promptly be contacted by Fall Obsession via email regarding all necessary information pertinent to their participation in the tournament.

  • Fall Obsession will provide each competitor their score card via email. Each competitor is responsible for printing off their own score card once provided by Fall Obsession.

  • All competitors will be required to sign a liability release prior to the day of the tournament. Failure to do so may result in disqualification.

  • All competitors under the age of 18 must have an adult sign the liability release form on their behalf, along with any required parental consent forms provided by Fall Obsession.

  • Tournament shall be held on a scheduled day as set forth by Fall Obsession, in between the hours of 8 am and 5 pm CDT. Competitors must shoot and complete the competition during this time.

  • It is strongly advised that all competitors participating in the tournament be prepared to compete in a tie breaker shoot-out the day following the tournament. In the event of a tie for 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place, the competitors recording the tying scores shall compete against one another in a “shoot-out” to determine the winner. Individuals tying while placing lower than 3rd shall not participate in a shootout.

Accountability & Documentation

  • Each competitor will need to have a FaceBook account under the same name which they used to register for the tournament.

  • Competitors will be required to record their entire shoot in a FaceBook “Live” video from their own account. This is NOT optional. The recording cannot be intentionally stopped or paused during the shoot, and every arrow counting for score must be recorded and accounted for in the live feed. A tripod can be used to hold the phone/camera/recording device, if needed.

  • Fall Obsession will create a FaceBook “Event” for every tournament. Competitors are required to post their Live Feeds to the FaceBook Event timeline specific to their tournament. Fall Obsession will be monitoring the online live feeds. Competitors will be emailed a link to join the event following their tournament registration.

  • All competitors are required to have a witness present for the duration of the shoot. At the beginning of the live feed, the witness must provide proof of the time and date. This can be as simple as the witness showing their own mobile phone screen to the camera, displaying the current time and date.

  • The witness will be responsible for keeping score, and documenting the scores appropriately on the score card provided.

  • After every 3 arrows shot (1 round) the witness and the shooter will walk to the target to record scores. At this time, the witness must bring the camera providing the live online feed with him/her to show the arrow placement on the target. Following the completion of the scoring, and once the arrows are removed from the target, both individuals shall return to the shooting line with the camera for the next round.

  • If practice shots/rounds are shown in the live feed, it is adamant that the witness clearly state/indicate when the competitor begins shooting for score. It is strongly recommended that all practicing and preparation be completed prior to starting the live feed.

Submitting Scores & Final Results

  • Once the competitor has shot 10 rounds of 3 arrows (30 arrows total) for score, the witness must tally and state the final score reached on the live feed before stopping the recording.

  • Competitors must send a scan or photo of their completed original score card to Fall Obsession via email or online form, as specified by Fall Obsession. Scan/image must show the entire score card and must be readable.

  • The witness will be required to sign the score card.

  • All scores must be submitted before 6 pm CDT on the same day of the shoot. Scores submitted after this specified time may not be counted.

  • Fall Obsession will record and tally all scores, and will post the official results immediately following the completion of such. Any competitors tying for 1st, 2nd or 3rd place will be notified at this time.

Shoot - Out

  • In the event of a tie for 1st, 2nd or 3rd place (including “X’s”) tying competitors will be asked to participate in a “shoot-out” the day following the tournament.

  • Competitors will once again utilize the Vegas target with the same scoring parameters.

  • Competitors shall shoot 12 arrows for score during the “shoot-out”.

  • The same rules and regulations used during the tournament for accountability and documentation (FaceBook Live feeds, Witness, etc.) will be utilized.

  • Specific times for participating and shooting in the “shoot-out”, as well as the deadline for submitting scores will be specified at the time by Fall Obsession.

  • In the event an individual is unable to participate in the “shoot-out” they shall forfeit their tie breaker and will be officially ranked in the next place down, accordingly.

  • The individual finishing the “shoot-out” with the higher score out of the group of tying competitors he/she is shooting against shall be the winner. Individuals with the lower tie breaking scores may be re-ranked in 1st, 2nd or 3rd, depending on other scores and circumstances.

  • Additional specifications and/or regulations specific to the “shoot-out” may be implemented and applied by Fall Obsession on a tournament by tournament basis, if needed.


  • Awards may be specific to each tournament. Awards are to be determined for each division by Fall Obsession. Fall Obsession may include products from tournament sponsors as awards, or raffle prizes.


  •  Fall Obsession is not responsible or liable for any damage to, or caused by competitor’s equipment.

  • If competitors experience an equipment malfunction while shooting for score, hindering their ability to continue, they may appeal to Fall Obsession and request a re-shoot. Equipment malfunction appeals DO NOT apply to sights being inaccurate prior to the shoot, damage intentionally caused by the shooter, or equipment neglect. Fall Obsession will review all pertinent information related to the appeal, and may or may not approve a re-shoot.

  • Fall Obsession is not responsible for an individual being unable to start/create a FaceBook Live video. If an individual shoots for score and it is not recorded live, or recording intentionally or unexpectedly stopped, Fall Obsession may not count their final score, and they may be disqualified.

  • If participants do not shoot and/or submit scores within the time frame(s) specified, they may be disqualified.

  • If participants fail to abide by, or adhere to any portion of these rules and regulations, they may be disqualified.

  • All entry fees, and/or additional charges are non-refundable.