Representing States
Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Colorado, California, Nevada, Utah, Alaska, & Hawaii
The Coordinator
Tim Berges
Tim has been with Fall Obsession’s Staff Team since 2018, and our Western Regional Coordinator since 2021. Tim is a Colorado resident, and is extremely well versed in the craziness of Colorado’s draw and OTC tags, along with the variety of hunting opportunities in his area. Tim lives with his wife and two (soon to be three) daughters, and has a passion for mentoring other hunters and outdoorsmen!
April, 2022
“Turkey Season”
Turkey Season is just around the corner. It opens April 9th and goes until May 31st for most tags. Make sure to buy your OTC tag and small game license so you can hunt coyotes if they happen to come into your calls. It is also time to practice your calling and pattern your shotgun. We have been seeing a lot more turkey shotgun shells on store shelves this year, so don't make excuses to not get out and hunt!
“Hunter's Safety Course”
Currently there is a bill in the Colorado State House to have Hunters Safety Courses in Public Schools for 7th Graders. Check out "Howl for Wildlife" at to have your voice heard on the issue in a really easy way.
“California Wildlife Issues”
Currently there are 2 bills in various stages in the California House and Senate. Once again, check out "Howl for Wildlife" to learn more and let your voice be heard. The first is about the bear management plan ( and the second is about wild pig hunting (
Staff Spotlight
Tim Berges
- Pro Staffer since 2018 from Denver, CO
- Western and Northeastern (Interim) Staff Coordinator
- Lives with his wife and 2 daughters (baby #3 on the way!)
- Born and raised in CO with a passion for pheasant, elk, and deer hunting
- Loves mentoring hunters of any level, and cannot wait until he gets to teach his daughters to hunt
Upcoming Events
April 5th: 8 pm CO Draw Deadline
April 9th: CO Early, Regular OTC Turkey season opens
April 19th: CO Mountain Goat & Bighorn Sheep draw results posted online
April 30th: CO Late Turkey Season opens
May 1st: CO Fall Turkey Draw opens
May 31st: 8 pm CO Fall Turkey Draw closes
May 31st: CO Spring Turkey Season closes
May 31st - June 3rd: CO Big Game draw results posted online
June 6th: CO Big Game License Return Deadline
June 6th: CO Fall Turkey Draw Results posted online