“With the rut winding down, bucks often shift their behavior and focus; making late-season hunting a unique challenge. Here are 8 key strategies and areas of focus to help you nab a big buck late in the season…”
Read More"The pre-rut period sees bucks beginning to change their behavior, making them more elusive but still patterned enough for strategic hunting. Here’s an in-depth guide to hunting big bucks during this time..."
Read More"Years back at a dinner speaking engagement Charles Alsheimer said to us one important thing that resonated with me. It’s all about shot placement..."
Read More“If you hunt long enough, you’re going to hear about the October lull. It’s that mythical time that comes around mid-October where whitetail bucks are said to go into a movement slump…”
Read More“This led to me finding 5 dead bucks and 3 dead does on my property. I didn't get to comb the whole property due to time restrictions, so I'm guessing there was more…”
Read More“The days of sportfishing for the native fish have been severely impared since the Asian Carp are consuming the very organisms needed to keep our natural ecosystem alive and healthy…”
Read More“It’s not scientifically proven, but the hubbub is that years of over-hunting and general hunting pressure result in more cautious deer than typical whitetails. Additionally, the Michigan DNR has recently relaxed its policies, adjusting antlerless limits and…”
Read More“However, each corner brings a new take on habitat, resulting in a mixed bag of hunting conditions. To be successful in Missouri…”
Read More“Deer are deer. They all look for food and mates. This broad statement is true and largely unhelpful when deer season is approaching…”
Read More“This results in a lot of rut activity will be at night. So your first couple of hours of morning light is vital…”
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