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Empowering and inspiring men, women and children through quality content creation; enhancing the skills and knowledge of every-day outdoor enthusiasts
Empowering and inspiring men, women and children through quality content creation; enhancing the skills and knowledge of every-day outdoor enthusiasts
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“While I believe in a concerted effort to make hunting safer and protecting wildlife, there becomes a time where the laws enacted are tipping the scale making the sport of hunting not as fun for hunters across the board…”
“The Colorado Draw is open from 3/1/2025 to 4/1/2025 8PM Mountain Time. All Applications Fees below are due when you apply during the dates listed above…”
“February and March are about survival, recovery, and transition. While deer movement is reduced compared to the rut, they are still leaving behind critical sign that savvy hunters can use to plan for the seasons ahead…”
“These bucks are worn down. Most have lost some size due to the rut and are looking to regain their energy. If you know where to look for these bucks you can be very successful…”
“With the rut winding down, bucks often shift their behavior and focus; making late-season hunting a unique challenge. Here are 8 key strategies and areas of focus to help you nab a big buck late in the season…”
“The old adage is that deer won’t go uphill when injured. That is far from the truth. Large bucks will go uphill, downhill, zig and zag while they’re in a fight or flight situation…”
“While most fights take place in fields being territory driven, bucks don’t always want to take part in fighting or come in to check out what’s going on in the open field or field edge…”
“At the drop of a dime, it will seem like all the shooter bucks vanish for one to two weeks. This is when most hunters get discouraged and believe in this mystic “lull” period. Is it really a lull?…”
“In this article I would like to cover something others have spoke on for years but many hunters either don’t believe it’s possible or chalk the behavior up to just some pre-rut activities…”
"In my state of Georgia, I’ve noticed a trend over the past couple of decades in the whitetail deer. During late season when bucks are looking for the last does in estrus, they’ll cruise by what I call the Whitetail Nursery..."
"Every year bucks go through many transitional phases and shedding their velvet happened to be one of the most important..."
"Many believe that’s it; the scrape is done. Well, I am here to tell you there are a few other things as a hunter, you should do and since no one in the industry is talking about this, I will..."
"The pre-rut period sees bucks beginning to change their behavior, making them more elusive but still patterned enough for strategic hunting. Here’s an in-depth guide to hunting big bucks during this time..."
"Years back at a dinner speaking engagement Charles Alsheimer said to us one important thing that resonated with me. It’s all about shot placement..."
“Most hunters do the same thing every season and end up with mediocre results because the deer have actually patterned you year after year…”
“A step-by-step guide for applying for your 2024 Colorado Big Game Tags & Preference Points…”
“We’ve turned March and the beginning of April into our get ready months. We are getting all the things done that we need to for the up and coming season. Most people would say why? There are many reasons, and I will outline some of my reasoning…”
“The Colorado Draw is open from 3/1/2024 to 4/2/2024 8PM Mountain Time. All Applications Fees below are due when you apply during the dates listed above…”
“Stop chasing him. Make him make a mistake. You know his routes and it’s only a matter of time, and if you stay at the one location he traverses the most, you’ll get him…”
“CWD is a transmissible spongiform encephalopathy caused by prions that result in misshaped proteins that primarily affect the brain in cervid animal populations. The disease degenerates brain tissue and is 100% fatal…”
“Over the thirty three years I have been in the field hunting and learning what deer do. I’ve spoken with hunters from all across the board; young ,old, short and tall farmers, professionals and even newbies. I always like to ask them their thoughts and ideas of what they believe the deer are doing…”
“After the first few years with minimal luck and mainly does always entering the plots, we didn’t understand why we weren’t seeing big bucks. In hindsight, we neglected one of the most important criteria that big bucks utilize…”
“Like most outdoors adventurers, we like to be prepared with the best possible equipment. Especially when going off grid for a few days or even longer…”
“For anyone new to fly fishing, it can seem like a daunting task to determine what type of rod and reel you need, what type of flies are the best, and what other equipment you need to be successful…”
“Turkeys have comfort zones the same as we do, or anything else that lives on this planet. You just have to learn to see them as clear as you see your own comfort zones. It’s time to get in the head of a turkey and pick his brain…”
“The Colorado Draw is open from 3/1/2023 to 4/4/2023 8PM Mountain Time. All Applications Fees below are due when you apply during the dates listed above…”
“I find the winter is the best time to get a game plan going for the upcoming season. Here in the midwest, we’re under a blanket of snow and cold temps…”
“I understand not everyone is prepared to spend hundreds to thousands of dollars on gear at the drop of a hat. I wasn’t either, so mine was acquired over the last few years as preparation for western hunts…”
There are circumstances that you have to work with in order to accomplish the goals you have set for yourself. Not everyone gets dealt the same cards in the game…
“We got in the truck and dad, as gently and nicely as he could being the rough kind of guy he was, told me that I should work on my lying if I'm gonna tell deer stories and explained why…”
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